Monday 9 May 2011

A Distant Sound of Thunder

We are curious creatures. While we would arrive at the spring thaw much more refreshed had we curled up and spent the uncooperative months in deep hybernation, we choose to stay in circulation and torture ourselves with tales of Southern training facilities, US winter series, and, of course, supercross. We greet the arrival of spring with pent up frustration born of living in our MX unfriendly climate, and unbridled enthusiasm for the fresh start that a new season dangles in front of us like a carrot before a cart-mule.

Agreed, many here in the vast Atlantic region have already broken the ice (so to speak) by accepting the challenge of the annual springtime rite, the Josh Damery Memorial INdoors, and/or round one of the CMRC regional spring series OUTdoors, another sucessful season launch hosted by Art and Carla Smith on their rider-friendly Clyde River circuit.

While yours-truly joined a small handful of our big family who sidestepped the cold and rain and missed the opening round at Clyde, most of us will be back camping out overnight and waking with the roosters to take part in round two this Sunday in the sand. For those who made the scene at Clyde River, a day of competition on the amazing mixed surface may be just what is needed to prepare for a weekend in Kirk and LeeAnne Avery's sandbox in Kingston. For those who will start their run at the series by taking on the sand trap, may God have mercy on your souls.

photo courtesy: Wayne Simpson

Be looking for a summary of the weekend's activities right here at this blog site and please bear with us as this thing develops. As it does, we hope to keep you up to date on hapenings in this region, across the country, and possibly into the New England states and down the eastern seaboard. With that in mind, it will be our goal to make the content reader friendly no matter where you live and race. You can sign up for e-mail notifications whenever the page is updated by simply inserting your e-mail address to the left of this column. You can also become a follower of the blog. Another nice feature is, as the archives grow, the content will be searchable directly from this page. While you're sniffing around the bottom of the page, you can also join in our first ever poll and you can also leave a comment and read those of others by clicking on "comment".

Please remember to let us know what you honestly think of the site as it all unfolds, and whenever possible, PLEASE click on ads that help make this site a reality.

I'll see you this weekend in the beautiful Annapolis Valley surrounded by signs of Spring's renewal - apple blossoms...and early season motocross! If you can't join us in Kingston, you can join in right back here next week.

I can hear the thunder in the distance and it has nothing to do with meteorology. Have a spectacular and safe weekend everyone. I wish you all good weather and great racing. C U in the sand!


  1. Looks Great! Get to add lots of content over the summer!

  2. This is going to be awesome! cant wait for all the updates :)
